How to disable global chat?

How do I disable global messages ?!
I am setting up a RP, and I would like the messages typed in the chat to be local rather than global, thus using a “/ g” command for global messages and so on …

can anybody help me ? I’m very beginner :frowning:

You could either get into Lua or C# as a start. There are several usefull links scattered around on the forums

We have a Wiki you could take a look at also take a look at NativeDB for usefull natives.

If you have any more questions be sure to post back!


To get you started, listen to the “chatMessage” event, check the distance between the current player (receiving the message) and the person who is talking, if said distance is below a certain number the display the chat message. If not, just ignore the message.

Distance native is something like GetDistanceBetweenCoords (on phone, can’t really check)

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This resource does require Essential-Mode, but you may be able to use it in helping you with making your own.

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