Step 1: Inside your server folder navigate to: resources/[test]/keks. It is recommended that you make a copy of this resource and rename it. Do not edit the original.
Step 2: Inside the keks folder, create a folder called music and inside it place your audio you wish to use. For this example I left mine called Loading.ogg. It needs to be in .ogg format to work. Also be aware it is case sensitive.
Step 3: Edit index.html and add the following code just below the <body> tag.
<audio id="Loading" autoplay loop >
<source src="music/Loading.ogg" type="audio/ogg">
var vid = document.getElementById("Loading");
vid.volume = 0.2
Also, I just noticed that the music doesn’t seem to be working. It works locally, but not while loading into the server. I’ll look more into this and provide an update later.
What I have on my server is the old loadingscreen folder, with the music in it and I replaced the keks loading screen, added it to the AutoResources and it works.
After the last update ( so yesterday ) the loadingscreen no longer works, I’d do a topic once found the solution on a new resource no problem oh thank you I know for
make sure your adding it to the keks __resource and if its in a folder you put that folder before it ie… music/loading.ogg << Its all case sensitive as far as I know