How to create your own hud?

Hey guys.
The question is already in the topic.

I wanted to create my own hud and use it on my server.
Maybe I’m just blind, or dump or both of it but I dont find any tutorial online regarding this subject.

If anyone found one or is able to tell how it works please be so kind to tell me.


I’m using ESX Framework


Learn html and Lua. Then code it? Ansi depends on what framework you are using. I’m assuming esx in which case just look at the callbacks to get amount money to incorporate into your hud.

for you to create your own custom hud, you’ll have to learn HTML / CSS / JS and a little bit of Lua to create it. You will also have to learn how to make calls and transfer data between Lua-> JS and JS-> Lua. It may all seem very complicated but believe me, it is quite easy after you get used to it

Here are two videos that will help you with the Lua part, and also teach you how to collect data with JS

Here also has a playlist teaching HTML / CSS / JS, these video lessons also apply to HUDs in the fivem. you will have to learn a LOT about HTML DIVs xD

You will also use Jquery a lot in JS. Jquery is a JS library that makes life easier for the programmer