[How-To] Create your own FiveM exe + Server executable. (FXServer)

Sorry for posting this in the discussion section however I haven’t earnt Member yet and I can’t think of anything else to post.

In this post I will be showing you how to create your own “executable” to launch your FiveM server, FiveM Application and connect directly to your server.

(This isn’t an executable, it is just a shortcut to a batch/cmd file.) But we will pretend it is something much cooler.

to start off you want to find your server Start_Server.cmd or whatever your file my be called. If you have not already created one, then lets do so!

Start off by right clicking in your FXServer directory and creating a text file.

This is where we will be inserting the text or ‘script’ into our .cmd.

@echo off

start SERVER.RUNCMD.DIRECTORY +exec server.cfg 
start FIVEM.DIRECTORY +connect

::in order for this to work you must replace the directories to your actual directories.

You now want to save your file as a Batch / CMD file.
Once this is done you can right click >> create shortcut | and drag the shortcut to your desktop or desired location.

You can rename this to whatever you want.

If you want to make a fiveM version that doesn’t launch a server and instead just automatically connects to your FiveM server of choice, add the parameter -connect ip:port to your FiveM.exe


You have smashed my server with 300 custom files!!! i cant get it back now

am i the only one that uses ubuntu server and needs more of the commands?

Quite funny.
YOU followed a tutorial and HE smashed your files?

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