How to create a used car lot in qb-vehiclesales


Iam trying to create a second used car lot in qbcore but it does not work

I have added this to the qb-vehiclesales config.cfg file

    ["DowntownOccasions"] = {
        BusinessName = "Mosley's Used Cars",
        SellVehicle = vector4(-21.8, -1676.55, 28.88, 301.07),
        BuyVehicle = vector4(-29.96, -1675.99, 28.88, 321.53),

        PolyZone = {
            vector2(-21.8, -1676.55),
            vector2(-23.01, -1677.51)
        MinZ = 321.53,
        MaxZ = 321.53,

        VehicleSpots = {
            vector4(-52.63, -1678.41, 29.04, 43.42),
            vector4(-55.14, -1680.9, 29.01, 41.7),
            vector4(-57.44, -1683.34, 29.42, 65.16),
            vector4(-59.55, -1685.64, 28.92, 75.0),
            vector4(-60.37, -1688.13, 28.94, 75.16),
            vector4(-56.61, -1690.9, 29.0, 132.46),
            vector4(-53.82, -1694.44, 29.16, 187.13),
            vector4(-51.54, -1693.1, 28.86, 198.4),
            vector4(-48.47, -1691.46, 28.9, 199.25),
            vector4(-45.28, -1690.68, 28.96, 208.25),
            vector4(-42.02, -1689.27, 28.86, 214.26),

And it does not work, it shows on the map and the notification comes up that i can press e but nothing happens

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