[How-To] Create a basic script

Exactly the same. Only in your __resource.lua you need to do

client_script ‘script_name.lua’

And of course, the client natives like GetPlayerPed etc don’t work on the server.

You might have already figured this out but look at this. It helped me out a lot. It shows how to make commands.

Cool thx! I will add that to my server

Does this work with fx server as it dont work for me?

citmp-server.yml is now server.cfg, everything else should work as far as I can tell.

ok ill test it again thanks

Nop it still dont work

It still dont work

That tells me so much… What doesn’t work? Are you getting an error? Server not starting??

No errors it just don’t show up the message I have done it exactly write but it don’t say the message in the server.

And that message is what? Show code or something…

You’re missing an argument for your chatMessage call, should be similar to this:
TriggerClientEvent("chatMessage", -1, "", {255, 255, 255}, "Message")

ok thanks this will help a lot thanks its just me and my friend are learning to make scripts for our server

No problem, glad I could help. I’m also glad you guys are trying to learn on your own!

yeh we kinda need to lol

Still dont work it just doesnt show up ill show you now 1 sec

I can;'t show you but nothing happens

Completely overlooked it. Call AddEventHandler not AddEventHandeler

Ah cool sorry to be so stupid lol im new to this