How to add several pack of clothing in addon?

Hello, I wanted to know if it is possible to put several packs of clothes in addons on your server? Or else how to do it. I tried to do that it didn’t work.

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Your best bet is using GTautil

Works amazing!!

Durty Cloth Tool works wonders. One thing to keep in mind is the YMT limit of each gamebuild.

[Tutorial] Forcing Gamebuild To Casino, Cayo Perico, Tuners & Future DLCs

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So I know how to create packs, my question is can we put 2 or 3 different ones on a server at the same time and how? Because I tried without result

You can, but it’s dependent on your server’s gamebuild;

my gamebuild 2699 What’s the limit? Thx

I already answered you

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if you have many add on packs you must try to change the _resource.lua like this :
and try again. For me it works

So this explains how to run 2+ clothing pack and being able to access them all in game ye?

Y’all need to learn to read.

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this will make them all load off one fxmanifest or will be able to use both at the same time

is that a yes as thats all i need and ill read throught it

im looking in the link you sent it explains the limit and pool size but i cant fine anything explaining how to set 2 packs working together, any help would be appreciated

You run them separately.

ensure ClothPack1
ensure ClothPack2

Can I combine them? NO

okay so can i access them both as the same time or do i need to merge fxmnaifest and that stuff


no, you need to ensure the resources individually, like you would any other resource, and you don’t merge or combine anything. don’t do that. You’ll fuck it all up.

Ensure them in the order you want them to appear in game.

ensure MPClothing
ensure tays****1
ensure tays****2
ensure **_EUP
ensure tays****merch
ensure tays******pack
ensure tays******pack
ensure tays****pack
ensure ****pack

How many packs you can run is dependant on your gamebuild. Literally no reason not to be on the latest.

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Okay right what about using a jbib from pack one and a accs from pack 2 how would i do that

Select it using vmenu or something… god you ask a lot of questions… Good luck. You’ll figure it out yourself.

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