thanks for the help, vmenu worked and it is way better then lambda menu and good luck with your job findings and interviews!
@chefslaya what if my dlc doesn’t have a carlayout.meta? do i just not include it? also i made the __resource.lua but it can’t find the resource when i launch the server
I have written a very simple resourcethat allows me to specify vehicle names in a configuration file, execute the script in the resource and it will run through the configuration and set up each vehicle name using AddTextEntryByHash…
I am doing so with the following code:
AddTextEntryByHash(GetHashKey(Config.vehicle_names.vehicles[i].key), Config.vehicle_names.vehicles[i].name)
This is working for half of the cars I have tried so far, but the others are still showing as NULL in anything that references the vehicle’s name, like esx_advancedgarage.
I have checked handling.meta and vehicles.meta to ensure that the YTD/YTF files match in spelling and case.
What else can keep some of these from working while others work without issue?
How to add correctly configurate all .meta files?
Because When I downloading police car, I have only YFT and YTD files…
which part sir?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> SEAT_RHD_FRONT_LEFT seat_dside_f SEAT_LOW_FRONT_RIGHT SEAT_LOW_REAR_LEFT TASK_DRIVE_WANDER IsFrontSeat SEAT_RHD_FRONT_RIGHT seat_pside_f SEAT_LOW_FRONT_LEFT SEAT_LOW_REAR_RIGHT TASK_DRIVE_WANDER IsFrontSeat SEAT_ANIM_RHD_FRONT_LEFT clipset@veh@low@ds@idle_panic clipset@veh@low@ds@idle_agitated clipset@veh@low@ds@idle_duck LOW_CAR_FRONT_DS_IDLE IN_CAR_LOW VEHICLE_DEFAULT UseStandardInVehicleAnims UseCloseDoorBlendAnims LOW ANIM_GROUP_GESTURE_M_CAR_LOW_DS ANIM_GROUP_GESTURE_F_CAR_LOW_DS SEAT_ANIM_RHD_FRONT_RIGHT clipset@veh@low@ps@idle_panic clipset@veh@low@ps@idle_duck LOW_CAR_FRONT_PS_IDLE IN_CAR_LOW VEHICLE_DEFAULT UseStandardInVehicleAnims HasPanicAnims UseCloseDoorBlendAnims PreventShuffleJack LOW ANIM_GROUP_GESTURE_M_CAR_LOW_PS ANIM_GROUP_GESTURE_F_CAR_LOW_PS ENTRY_POINT_RHD_FRONT_LEFT door_pside_f handle_pside_f FRONT_RIGHT SIDE_LEFT BlockJackReactionUntilJackerIsReady SIDE_RIGHT ENTRY_POINT_RHD_FRONT_RIGHT door_dside_f handle_dside_f FRONT_LEFT SIDE_RIGHT BlockJackReactionUntilJackerIsReady SIDE_LEFT ENTRY_POINT_ANIM_LOW_RHD_FRONT_LEFT LOW_Locked_DS LOW_Force_Entry_DS low_perp_ds_a low_victim_ds_a clipset@veh@low@ds@female@enter_exit ENTER_VEHICLE_STD JackIncludesGetIn UsesNoDoorTransitionForExit UseOpenDoorBlendAnims FixUpMoverToEntryPointOnExit UseGetUpAfterJack JackVariationsIncludeGetIn HasCombatEntry LOWCAR ENTRY_POINT_ANIM_LOW_RHD_FRONT_RIGHT LOW_Locked_PS LOW_Force_Entry_PS low_perp_ps_a low_victim_ps_a clipset@veh@low@ps@female@enter_exit ENTER_VEHICLE_STD JackIncludesGetIn UsesNoDoorTransitionForExit UseOpenDoorBlendAnims FixUpMoverToEntryPointOnExit UseGetUpAfterJack JackVariationsIncludeGetIn HasCombatEntry LAYOUT_LOW_RHD StreamAnims UseDoorOscillation UseLeanSteerAnims UseSteeringWheelIk busted_vehicle_low clipset@veh@low@ds@idle_a clipset@veh@low@ds@idle_b clipset@veh@low@ds@idle_c clipset@veh@low@ds@idle_d clipset@veh@low@ds@idle_e clipset@veh@low@ds@hit_wheel@idle_a clipset@veh@low@ds@hit_wheel@idle_b clipset@veh@low@ds@hit_wheel@idle_c
Hello I would like to know if anyone has any solution to my problem, I downloaded a vehicle “” but because it is heavy has an extra part and spawning it comes partially invisible until I go to los santos custom and apply “enduro_ex_1.yft” as a modification then it completes the invisible parts and becomes normal, but I would like to make it spawn it already comes with the modification " enduro_ex_1.yft "applied
This is than a replace car
Hey, but why when i’m adding this car to the server: - it works, i can drive it, but there are no sounds while driving(engine sound, siren, etc.). What can cause such a problem? Can someone tell me in details how to setup this specific car?
you need to split the ytd file
How to add liveries on ls custom sticker?
I have more liveries on adds on Vehicle but when i go to ls custom in Sticker always default?
Anyone knows how to do ?
I’m having trouble with making a vehicle a working resource. I have tried what seems to be everything. I have the correct __resources lua file, my yft files are under 16mb. Whenever I launch the server I get “Connection Failed”
[Couldn’t load resource “vehiclename” from resources:/“vehiclename”/.]
“Connection Failed”
[Couldn’t load resource “vehiclename”. ]
How can I go about fixing this?
Post your __resource.lua
This might have been pointed out earlier in the thread but just in case :
The meta file load order in the author’s post is wrong, if you want to use custom layouts and avoid the moon-island-uniform
crash when attempting to enter a vehicle, the vehicle.meta
MUST be loaded last and vehiclelayout.meta
must be loaded 2nd to last, so just above vehicles.meta
Even without a custom layout file the vehicle.meta
should be loaded last to avoid any errors.
resource_manifest_version ‘77731fab-63ca-442c-a67b-abc70f28dfa5’
files {
data_file ‘HANDLING_FILE’ ‘handling.meta’
data_file ‘VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE’ ‘vehicles.meta’
data_file ‘CARCOLS_FILE’ ‘carcols.meta’
data_file ‘VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE’ ‘carvariations.meta’
here is my resource.lua and it works perfectly fine
resource_manifest_version ‘44febabe-d386-4d18-afbe-5e627f4af937’
files {
data_file ‘HANDLING_FILE’ ‘handling.meta’
data_file ‘VEHICLE_LAYOUTS_FILE’ ‘vehiclelayouts.meta’
data_file ‘VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE’ ‘vehicles.meta’
data_file ‘CARCOLS_FILE’ ‘carcols.meta’
data_file ‘VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE’ ‘carvariations.meta’
client_script { ‘vehicle_names.lua’
u r a fucking legend
Hi there i am renting a server for the first time but i dont understand the addon could u help me teamview my pc if poss thankyou
Ye sure mate what you need help with