How to add custom import cars. QB-Core

This is for people who get the /admincar error or genuinely don’t know how to add a custom car

First of all Go To Step 1 If you car is FiveM ready if its not scroll down to the OpenIV part.

  1. Make a folder inside of your resource folder called [Imports], then you want to ensure it inside of your server.cfg like this.

ensure [Imports]

  1. Once your car is ensured go to your resource folder find [qb] go inside of it, then find qb-core/shared/vehicles.lua click on it then scroll all the way to the bottom and copy the code underneath.

[‘spawncode’] = {
[‘name’] = ‘Car name’,
[‘brand’] = ‘Brand of the vehicle’,
[‘model’] = ‘spawncode’,
[‘price’] = 180000,
[‘category’] = ‘custom’,
[‘hash’] = spawncode,
[‘shop’] = ‘import’,

  1. Once you have copied that code go to the vehicle at the bottom then you want to paste it underneath so it matches how the other cars are placed inside the file,

save it then your done once you restart your server and load in do /admin go to vehicles and your category will be there you can pick a custom name it will automatically add the category.


  1. If you don’t have OpenIV search up OpenIV offline installation it should be there as its been removed but that’s a work around I guess.

  2. For the people who don’t have FiveM ready cars go into the zip of the car that you downloaded then you want to find the folder that contains dlc.rpf once you have found that go back once and drag the folder somewhere you will remember.

  3. Then you want to open OpenIV make sure you full screen it or you could break all of your GTA5 files which would be a shame, once full screened at the top right it should say edit mode click on that button.

  4. Once your on edit mode drag the folder containing the dlc.rpf to the bottom left in that big blank white space.

  5. You will see the folder there click on it you will see the dlc.rpf then click on that go inside of it and you want to find the files that end in .meta .yft and .ytd drag those files into a new folder

  6. go back to your [Import] folder then drag those files inside and once you’ve done that make a stream and data folder drag the data files in data and the yft/ytd files in stream.

  7. go back to the stream and data folder then you want to make a fxmanifest.lua copy the code underneath.

fx_version ‘cerulean’

game { ‘gta5’ }

description ‘manlikepleb : discord’

files {



data_file ‘HANDLING_FILE’ ‘data/**/handling.meta’

data_file ‘VEHICLE_LAYOUTS_FILE’ ‘data/**/vehiclelayouts.meta’

data_file ‘VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE’ ‘data/**/vehicles.meta’

data_file ‘CARCOLS_FILE’ ‘data/**/carcols.meta’

data_file ‘VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE’ ‘data/**/carvariations.meta’

data_file ‘DLCTEXT_FILE’ ‘data/**/dlctext.meta’

client_script ‘vehicle_names.lua’

copy that above ^^ then place it inside your fxmanifest.lua

  1. Your done, hopefully this helps and it wasnt to complicated if you dont understand the OpenIV part for the non-FiveM ready cars just find FiveM ready cars.