What is the difference with an addon vehicle and replacement?
- When it comes to vehicles in fivem, there are 2 types you can add to your server. ~ Starting out, an addon vehicle won’t replace any gta 5 vanilla vehicles (Recommended when it comes to adding many cars to your server.)
- Even though most people prefer addon vehicles over replacement vehicles, there is still vehicles out there that you can get to replace other vehicles from gta5mods.com, LSPDFR.com, and other sites that I’m unaware of.
How to add an ADDON vehicle to your server.
- Down below are instructions on how you can add ADDON vehicles to your server, there will also be some vehicles you can use down below that would help get you started!
- Find whatever vehicle or vehicle pack you are wanting to add to your server. For this I am going to use these vehicles: LSPD Mega Pack.
- Download the pack (If asked to choose which, choose the latest ADDON version.)
- Find where you want to put the vehicles in your server. I.e. for me I use a [cars] folder within fivem.
- Drag and drop the main containing the stream folder and fxmanifest.lua. (The pack could be outdated and not be using a fxmanifest and instead using a __resource.lua.
- If the vehicle pack is not using one, you can view the example fxmanifest.lua that is listed below for help on how to create one for your vehicles to be streamed into the server correctly.
Example fxmanifest.lua
Do not claim ownership of vehicles you never made, it’s not fair for the original creator.
-- Resource Metadata
fx_version 'cerulean'
description '<Department> Vehicle Pack, created by <Creator>!'
game 'gta5'
files {
data_file 'HANDLING_FILE' 'data/**handling*.meta'
data_file 'VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE' 'data/**/vehicles*.meta'
data_file 'CARCOLS_FILE' 'data/**/carcols*.meta'
data_file 'VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE' 'data/**/carvariations*.meta'
- After adding the files to your server, navigate to your server.cfg add the following lines:
# Vehicle Pack(s)
ensure [cars]
Example Server.cfg
# #
# Server Information #
# #
endpoint_add_tcp "" # TCP Server Port
endpoint_add_udp "" # UDP Server Port
sv_maxclients 64 # Max Clients Allowed in Server.
sv_enforceGameBuild 2802 # Server's Build Verson.
load_server_icon logo.png # Server's Display Logo (96x96)
sv_licenseKey "CHANGEME" # Server License Key
sv_hostname "CHANGEME" # Server's Name
set steam_webApiKey "CHANGEME" # SteamAPIKey
sets sv_projectName "CHANGEME" # Server's Join Name
sets sv_projectDesc "CHANGEME" # Server's Description
sets locale "en-US" # Server's Language
sets tags "roleplay, standalone, vMenu, Modded-Vehicles, Modded-EUP" # Server Tags
sets Discord "https://discord.gg/<link>" # Discord Server
sets Website "CHANGEME" # Server's Website URL
sets banner_detail "<Image>" # Background Banner
# #
# Default Files #
# #
ensure mapmanager
ensure chat
ensure spawnmanager
ensure sessionmanager
ensure basic-gamemode
ensure hardcap
ensure RageUI
ensure NativeUI
# #
# Vehicle Files #
# #
ensure [cars]
# #
# System Admins #
# #
add_ace group.admin command allow # allow all commands
add_ace group.admin command.quit deny # but don't allow quit
add_principal identifier.fivem:<ID> group.admin # Master Account
sv_maxclients 64
How to add a REPLACEMENT vehicle to your server.
- Down below are instructions on how you can add REPLACEMENT vehicles to your server, there will also be some vehicles you can use down below that would help get you started! (It’s the same as basically adding an addon vehicle!)
- Find whatever vehicle or vehicle pack you are wanting to add to your server. For this I am going to use these vehicles: LSPD Legacy Pack.
- Download the pack (If asked to choose which, choose the latest REPLACEMENT version.)
- Find where you want to put the vehicles in your server. I.e. for me I use a [cars] folder within fivem.
- Drag and drop the main containing the stream folder and fxmanifest.lua. (The pack could be outdated and not be using a fxmanifest and instead using a __resource.lua.
- If the vehicle pack is not using one, you can view the example fxmanifest.lua that is listed below for help on how to create one for your vehicles to be streamed into the server correctly.
Example fxmanifest.lua
Do not claim ownership of vehicles you never made, it’s not fair for the original creator.
-- Resource Metadata
fx_version 'cerulean'
description '<Department> Vehicle Pack, created by <Creator>!'
game 'gta5'
files {
data_file 'HANDLING_FILE' 'data/**handling*.meta'
data_file 'VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE' 'data/**/vehicles*.meta'
data_file 'CARCOLS_FILE' 'data/**/carcols*.meta'
data_file 'VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE' 'data/**/carvariations*.meta'
- After adding the files to your server, navigate to your server.cfg add the following lines:
# Vehicle Pack(s)
ensure [cars]
Example Server.cfg
# #
# Server Information #
# #
endpoint_add_tcp "" # TCP Server Port
endpoint_add_udp "" # UDP Server Port
sv_maxclients 64 # Max Clients Allowed in Server.
sv_enforceGameBuild 2802 # Server's Build Verson.
load_server_icon logo.png # Server's Display Logo (96x96)
sv_licenseKey "CHANGEME" # Server License Key
sv_hostname "CHANGEME" # Server's Name
set steam_webApiKey "CHANGEME" # SteamAPIKey
sets sv_projectName "CHANGEME" # Server's Join Name
sets sv_projectDesc "CHANGEME" # Server's Description
sets locale "en-US" # Server's Language
sets tags "roleplay, standalone, vMenu, Modded-Vehicles, Modded-EUP" # Server Tags
sets Discord "https://discord.gg/<link>" # Discord Server
sets Website "CHANGEME" # Server's Website URL
sets banner_detail "<Image>" # Background Banner
# #
# Default Files #
# #
ensure mapmanager
ensure chat
ensure spawnmanager
ensure sessionmanager
ensure basic-gamemode
ensure hardcap
ensure RageUI
ensure NativeUI
# #
# Vehicle Files #
# #
ensure [cars]
# #
# System Admins #
# #
add_ace group.admin command allow # allow all commands
add_ace group.admin command.quit deny # but don't allow quit
add_principal identifier.fivem:<ID> group.admin # Master Account
sv_maxclients 64
Why should you use a [cars] folder instead of manually inputting them?
- I know most people are new to the whole developing thing, trust me I was there once. The main reason I’d say use a [cars] folder is because, how FiveM mainly works with folders and files is when you have a folder being ensured via the server.cfg with the name of [cars], the brackets in the name act as a file manager. Basically, what that means is anything that is put into that folder with the brackets will automatically be started on server startup if you have the folder being ensured via server.cfg. I find this method easier for server management, however, you can choose to do things 1 by 1 if you want to.
- There can be extra files inside the zipped folder that you downloaded of LSPDFR.com or whatever website you chose. For further instructions on how to install those, view the README.txt / README.md files found in the zipped files.
Need help still?
- If you’re still needing help, that’s okay! Just reply to the post down below if you need further information / help. It’s okay… I don’t bite.