[How to] Add Addon Cars into ESX_VehicleShop (MYSQL)

For me there is no id tab, plz help

I have to tables in the database one is cardealer_vehicles and one is vehicles the one with vehicles has no id column and the one in dealer vehicles does but no category. and if I add a car to the vehicle table in my server I goto dealer and the purple circle does nothing. if I use the cardealer_vehicles and add a car there the dealer in the server works but the car I added is nowhere to be found Help, please!!!

habe das selbe problem

es ist alles eingetragen aber die fahrzeuge werden nicht angezeigt

can i get the adding a car tuto

you have to make sure model name and spawn code match what it says in the vehicles.meta exactly or it will break the script.

i put alot of cars into the vehicle shop and none of them show up. i removed the stock vehicles but they are still there. i dont use Heidisql or anything. i just open the .SQL file and fill it in. what am i doing wrong

I followed all steps above but all the custom vehicles I’ve added don’t show in game but all previous vehicles do what am I doing wrong on MySQL database thanks in advance