Hey guys, so i downloaded some add-on wheel packs from gta5-mods website. I know how to load custom objects (e.g. vehicles, maps, models) already. So, i added lscustom script in my server. My plan is to add these wheels in wheel list of lscustom. I did some google but did not found any information on this topic. Will someone please help me and show me how to do it? Thank you in advance.
I have the same problem. i need help
Is there anybody who can help??
Yeah this is my problem too
For what I know, you have to make a category in LScustoms, but also some modifications in es_extended (assuming you’re using ESX). For the originals wheels, you can see all ID in es_extended. i’m sure it can be made, but with a huge knowledge of coding…
I know how to code but dont know much of fivem structure. What i did so far was create a section called “custom” in lsmenu, but i dont know how to add some wheel