Every single one requires you to join a discord. I dont know shit about your server, im not going to join your discord, then sit and apply for something. I DONT EVEN KNOW IF ILL LIKE YOUR SERVER. Its like some ghetto version of whitelisting, and dont get me started about people still clinging to teamspeak
Lol yeah man some these dudes are really too focused on the “immersion” a little to much. Tbh it is to the point like you’re applying for another job rather than playing agame to have fun…
I mean that’s what Role play IS. It’s about the immersion and really stops being a basic game like RDO, dealing with all the griefers. It’s about telling stories usually, but you do get the idiots that jump in and grief and try to say that’s there character’s story and how he acts. It’s a balancing act…and then you have the admin of servers and staff that usually become a clique no matter what server you go for. You want something good you just get in good with the admin and staff. I haven’t found any server I feel comfortable in and my current one i just do Solo RP riding around on my own as the reclusive old crazy guy. It’s what role play is…been role playing since the 90s.
A lot of servers require you to be in their discord so if you do something wrong they can identify you and speak with you about it. Like it or not, that’s the standard; and probably will not change.
As far as Teamspeak, I spent a pretty decent amount of time trying to get mumble to work properly in the server I develop for. With only 2 people in the server mumble always crackled and cut off speech from the other player. We stuck with Teamspeak because the audio quality was far superior to what mumble was providing. Teamspeak (saltychat) has much better 3d audio as well.
I’ve been asking myself the same question. I work in the industry (for an actual gaming company), and I’ve tried to get into at least 12 different servers but have failed. Ignoring all the accounts you have to make, which include verification after verification emails and waiting, the first red-flag is the fact most expect you to verify your actual phone number with discord–which is basically asking you to violate your privacy concerns–while at the same time expecting you to be serious enough “role-play” and pretend… This double standard is appalling, and obviously lost on these people.
Second, if you’re lucky enough to find a server that doesn’t have such absurd requirements, they will expect you to have prior experience in other servers. Reading rules and passing a tedious exam is one thing, but to require being a member in another server is an oxymoron.
That leaves you with the question: how are you supposed to get started? Well, one discord patron was kind enough to send me here, which gets me no closer than where I was at the beginning…
I have to ask, because my headache is asking, is the role playing community, who take themselves more seriously than an actor/director relationship, plus benefits and blood samples, really worth jumping over this many hurdles to become a member? What if they’re bad? I’m leaning towards no, it’s not worth it (unless someone proves otherwise) considering I have spent the last half of 12 hours trying to join just one and failing…
This simply just inst true, I’ve played on at least half a dozen or so Red Dead RP servers with no issue in connecting or joining and none of them have ever asked me for my email address let alone my phone number. Dont know what Red Dead servers you been trying to play on but maybe try some of the more popular ones at the top of the list, they are all run very well and most only require you to join their discord to play (which is standard). If you’re looking for a good experience with no app I’d recommend Frontier RP. All you have to do is join their discord and you will be able to connect
I mean its valid what he’s saying though. There’s just no easy jump in way to get involved with RP in most popular servers if you’re new to it. They want to test the waters and feel no obligation to the server. Yeah maybe low pop servers but then what’s the point. When you see serious RP on servers to some its an instant turn off. People love the game they just want to play it differently than the RP way or at least be able to jump in sand out as they please to see if they even like it before committing.
That’s a Discord AutoMod feature. Discord introduced that in order to stop raids and servers being griefed. So when a community server is stood up, they turn on Automod in order to join their Discord. That information is with Discord, not with the community.
Roleplaying, is roleplaying. People always say “Roleplayers take things too seriously”. Well, let them live their lives and do what they want. People who only want to join a server to act like a complete idiot and “tickle” people and pretend that is some sort of lore isn’t what a lot of servers want as far as roleplay.
How are you supposed to get started? Easy, find a server you want to join. Hop in their Discord, get a feel for the community that you are joining and then decide if you want to play on the server. If you don’t like it, leave the Discord.
It’s a two way street. You should be interviewing the server just as much as they are trying to cater to a certain audience of players. RedM is a roleplaying game. And not many servers want to have people just loading up and acting like complete morons because they think it’s funny. If you want that type of roleplay, then find a server that will allow it(good luck). Don’t criticize other servers simply because they don’t want your flavor of roleplay.
The server I play on, you join the Discord, click a reaction that says you read the rules, and boom, you’re in. I don’t see how that’s intrusive in anyway. Your concerns with phone numbers etc is with Discord and I can’t do anything to help you there.