How do i use /me 3d when i open the car or close or turning the car on

how do i use /me 3d when i open the car and close the car and turning the car on and etc

This is a resource specific question, in the future ask such questions in the topic of the resource.

Also, I have answered this question in the topic, you just need to trigger this event (from the server) : TriggerClientEvent(‘3dme:triggerDisplay’, -1, text, source) source being the server id of player on which you want to draw the text.

Did this but its not work and now the car only close
TriggerClientEvent(“3dme:triggerDisplay”, -1, “Locking Vehicle”, source)

i got it i just did TriggerServerEvent(‘3dme:shareDisplay’, ‘Locking Car’)
but thanks u helped me to get it

Mmm that doesn’t feel right. I’ll probably add something to my script to make it easier to use with automatic messages.

and to not appear very /me like this in front of other /me, like in other line is the correct. Screenshot_203|690x219