How do I remove this warning sign?

Hi, this is my first forum post. My server is perfect, runs smoothly.

Anyway, this poster bothers me that deteriorates the interface of my users.

Does anyone know how to remove it?

I simply seek to remove it from there.

I repeat: my server works fine. There is no need for that poster to be there.

I await your answers, greetings!

You need to fix those resources. Or stop using them.


Thanks for your answer. Too bad there is no way to disable the warning :frowning:

It bothers me that some users have it and others don’t …

If you could disable them then people wouldn’t fix the issues

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That is relative because users with computers with good components do not see the sign.
(the poster)

That’s why you should always check your resource monitor (resmon 1) if resources aren’t using a strange amount of RAM or CPU msec

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I want to thank you all for making me understand that not everything is perfect. Uninstall the “object-loader” and for my luck my mappings were not affected since I supplanted it by another shortcut. May they have an excellent future on their servers and may this beautiful community continue to grow.

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