How do I remove the default chat message without completely removing it?

I am using Badger’s DiscordChatRoles and when I type in chat it displays two messages, for example when I type test it shows:
C J: test
Founder | C J: test
chat test
chat test 2

Is there a fix to this?

I’m assuming this resource uses an old API to alter messages instead of using chat message hooks.

It uses Badger’s Discord API but I am sure that most people use Badger’s scripts and they don’t seem to have issues. I could be mistaken by that, unless there is another Discord API or chat role script?

You have another script interfering. Most likely a hide commands script or something similar

I use FAXES Hide Cmds could that be why?

That is exactly why…

Yes. @OfficialBadger scripts don’t like faxes scripts

I use a few of FAXES scripts will they also interfere?

This is not true

Nope. 20 chars

Thank you it has worked!

:sob: this is sad