How do i remove buy and rent from the garages

How do i remove rent and buy from my garages ?
Edit: I am on vrp

You can to find this folder “D:\FXServer\resources[vrp]\vrp\cfg\lang” and enter in RO or EN and press ctrl + f and search “Cumpara” or “Buy” and delete this line or put the “–”

Thanks !

That’s a easy solution. But it removes the function to buy at job garages aswell… Including police garage.

Hi. How not to remove from job garages? I look for this for sevaral days…

Buy and rent removed. Made for dunko 6.6

Download: github

  1. Copy the vrp folder where the vrp folder on the server is located.
  2. From the vrp folder on the server find __resource.lua. Search line: “modules/basic_garage.lua”, and add this line next to it “modules/basic_garagecar.lua”,


  1. from vrp/cfg/garagescar.lua you have to add your cars and locations and of course from vrp/cfg/garages.lua you need to remove your cars and the locations you have added in garagescar.lua

Start the server. Well done!

Modified by Energie