How do I create config.lua for QB-Target

Hi. I’ve just installed QBCore and getting my hands wet after years of modding SP and scripting in C#.
I"m trying to install a script from Github that requires quite a few edits. All good.
However, the author also has code to add to qb-target/config.lua. However I don’t have this file and I don’t have a template for it. I’ve tried to modify other config.luas but to no avail.
Could someone help by providing an example? Thanks!

Add to qb-target/config.lua Cat on the counter to open the store or change model to your liking :wink:

[“uwu”] = { models = { “A_C_Cat_01” }, options = { { type = “client”, event = “idrp-shops:marketshop”, icon = “fas fa-shopping-basket”, label = “Open Shop”, }, }, distance = 4.0 },

this is the script. Once I figure out how to create a proper config.lua I can test it. I don’t really care about the cat cafe, I just want to learn how to script in lua for my own personal free roam play (local host only).

Just by looking at the qb-target repo you should be able to add that entry in qb-target/init.lua under Config.TargetModels

Config.lua could be part of an older version of qb-target or a modified version

Thanks! I’ll give it a shot.