How do i add the Redux Shader to FiveM and not to the GTA V directory?

Howdy, how do i add the Redux Shader without it interfiering with the GTA V Directory?

You dont, this also isnt the place to be asking this.


You dont, this also isnt the place to be asking this.

First of all, you can. I run Redux on FiveM.

Secondly, you’re not an admin. Stop doing their jobs.

OP, message me and I’ll hook you up with the files.

This is a community forum, ‘keep it tidy’ together, no matter what rank.

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I would use make visuals great again as it does not cause any problems when it comes to the fivem client.

also, read his question again and then my answer, he said “without it messing with the GTA5 Directory” i said you dont i didnt say you couldnt.

I just was not going to go more into it as it was posted in the wrong section.

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