I cant find a way to add emojis into my servers name. I’ve tried doing what discord does and use the colons and that doesn’t work Ive also tried copying them off the internet and putting them in there but they turn into question marks. Please tell me how I do this lol.
So after quite a bit of troubleshooting would like to add my 2cents on the current state of fivem related to adding emojis(20210826).
First, The name that shows up in the list is the sets sv_projectName from server.cfg not the hostname. The hostname does not come into effect until after they have clicked on the link in the list.
Second, with the current fivem patreon that most use, argumentum, only one color will be accepted on the list so you cannot customize it with multiple colors like you would your hostname.
Third, when using emojis you should see the emojis in your server.cfg before you expect it to show up on the list. Example if in you server.cfg you see U+1FXXX it will not just magically appear in the server list and you will get those exact characters there instead. What you should see is a version of the emoji in you cfg.(pics will be provided if I can, because they change depending on what software you are using notepad++, Visual Studio Code, etc)
Fourth, YOU CANNOT, start you server name off with an emoji or nothing will work including the color.
This all comes from my personal testing and may not be 100% true but has been the case for me so far. If 1 of you disagrees or have had different results or claim me to be wrong I have no qualms with you but please update here with adequate instruction so that everyone including myself can learn how to do it properly.