How can we set different wether in an certain Area(radius). can anyone help?

How can we set different wether in an certain Area(radius). can anyone help?

AFAIK this is not possible. Weather is map wide and always affects the entire map.

Should Work.
Manage the areas in a config or something,
manage in what areas what weather is (Server Side),
and then check Client Side if the User entered a specific area and Trigger a ServerCallback to get what weather it currently is

This should work. I have the same idea but currently dont have the time to make the script. If i make one and Release it ill PM you :slight_smile:

ok… :slight_smile:

i created a simple script to change weather base on coordinates and radius

you can see the code in github

in able to make this work properly your other weather script must be turn off

Thank you Very much man :slight_smile:

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