How can i use åäö in the directions

Hello if i change any letters to åäö i get an error, how can i make it work with åäö

local directions = {
N = 360, 0,
NE = 315,
E = 270,
SE = 225,
S = 180,
SW = 135,
W = 90,
NW = 45,

This is the resource if anyone wonder [Release] Street Label

Sry if i disturb you with a tag, but i know your a very skilled scripter, can you help? @Zerio

Just wrap the index in [""]


local directions = {
    ["å"] = 1,
    ["ö"] = 2

Although I would really recommend against using åäö (non-english letters) in variable names, you should only really be using them in translations or such

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