How can I remove the music from default gta clubs?

How can I remove the music from default gta clubs?

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In Lua:

StartAudioScene(“DLC_MPHEIST_TRANSITION_TO_APT_FADE_IN_RADIO_SCENE”) --stops all radio music including clubs (might do cars too, I can’t remember)

StopAudioScene(“DLC_MPHEIST_TRANSITION_TO_APT_FADE_IN_RADIO_SCENE”) --puts it back to normal


Client or server.lua???
What should the script look like??
Soo many questions

That would be client lua code. It would be pretty basic if you want to kill the music everywhere in the game by having it execute that line as soon as you join the server, but if you want it to make it happen at certain points you’ll need a little bit of knowledge of the natives. I can’t really write code for you on my cellphone, but if you learn how to do it yourself you can make it exactly how you want it :wink:

Try searching the native reference for the functions I mentioned. I haven’t used it very much, but just by the name I’m guessing it’s used during one of the GTAO heists.

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	while ESX == nil do
		TriggerEvent('esx:getSharedObject', function(obj) ESX = obj end)
	while true do

thank you brother been looking for this for a while!

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to anyone that wants a simple resource here is a stop music script i made

it uses exactly what was discussed above and also stops all music from in cars (the native gta5 radio)