How can I fix this error?


SCRIPT ERROR: @es_extended/server/main.lua:93: attempt to index a nil value (field '?')
> ref (@es_extended/server/main.lua:93)
> <unknown> (@mysql-async/mysql-async.js:14959)

Server Main:

		MySQL.Async.fetchAll('SELECT accounts, job, job_grade, `group`, loadout, position, inventory FROM users WHERE identifier = @identifier', {
			['@identifier'] = identifier
		}, function(result)
			local job, grade, jobObject, gradeObject = result[1].job, tostring(result[1].job_grade)
			local foundAccounts, foundItems = {}, {}


I don’t have an idea how to fix that. I just moved from a vServer to a dedicated server and now this error is popping up, Please help!

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