How can I convert xPlayer.showNotification to “mythic_notify” ?
Example: esx_deliveries job
xPlayer.showNotification(Config.Locales[“delivery_point_reward”] … tostring(deliveryMoney))
How can I convert xPlayer.showNotification to “mythic_notify” ?
Example: esx_deliveries job
xPlayer.showNotification(Config.Locales[“delivery_point_reward”] … tostring(deliveryMoney))
Look at the documentation…
JayMontana36/mythic_notify: A simple FiveM notification resource (
exports['mythic_notify']:DoHudText('type', 'message')
For type, you can have: ‘inform’, ‘error’ and ‘success’
You can do custom styling too:
exports['mythic_notify']:DoHudText('inform', 'Hype! Custom Styling!', { ['background-color'] = '#ffffff', ['color'] = '#000000' })
xPlayer.showNotification(Config.Locales[“delivery_point_reward”] … tostring(deliveryMoney))
TriggerClientEvent('mythic_notify:client:SendAlert', xPlayer.source, {
type = 'inform',
text = Config.Locales[“delivery_point_reward”] … tostring(deliveryMoney),
length = 2500,
style = {['background-color'] = '#ffffff', ['color'] = '#000000'}
Or simple:
TriggerClientEvent('mythic_notify:client:SendAlert', xPlayer.source, {
type = 'inform',
text = Config.Locales[“delivery_point_reward”] … tostring(deliveryMoney),
Something doesn’t work
this is my .lua
Server error
excuse my ignorance and thanks for answering
Sorry. Its missing circle bracket at the end. You can copy and try again.
perfect , it works thanks man