How can I change the name in the Pause menu?

Does any one know what i need to put AddTextEntry(‘[here]’, name)? I am using this AddTextEntry(‘FE_THDR_GTAO’, title) to change the title but I can’t find anything on how to change the name. If you know how I can do that please let me know.

AddTextEntry('FE_THDR_GTAO', 'Name: '..GetPlayerName(PlayerId()))

that just changes the title to the player name but i want this to change. Thanks for the reply though

You can’t change that with AddTextEntry. It can only be modified with the SET_HEADING_DETAILS scaleform.
Example: ps-pause/client.lua at main · Project-Sloth/ps-pause · GitHub

I don’t really care about the method like AddTextEntry I just care about the hash like “FE_THDR_…” or what ever it may be. I could not find it in the git repository you linked.

There is no hash, it’s done by a scaleform like in the repo I linked