How can I add a principal to me without steam.identifier

I have a problem with my steam account that does not allow me to collect the Steam API Key from it, so I cannot use steam.identifier to give me permissions. for that reason i need some other way to give me permission

I tried to use:

add_principal identifier.player:myName Admin


add_principal identifier.fivem:1 Admin  #1 is my ID

but none worked. Does anyone know how I can do this?

These won’t work, and if it did it would be very insecure lol.

I would suggest doing the following:

  1. Create a new resource with a server script
  2. Add the following to the file:
AddEventHandler("playerConnecting", function()
  1. Run that resource, then join the server
  2. When you join, all of your identifiers should print to the server console
  3. One of them should start with license:, copy this.
  4. Inside of your server.cfg file you can now do:
add_principal identifier.license:<the bit you copied> group.admin

Hope that helps.