Hooters mlo

Hooters MLO located at legion square
Very decoritive exterior
Inside features seating area, pool tables, kitchen/bar
Custom props and signs


| Code is accessible | Yes |
| Subscription-based | No |
| Lines (approximately) | NA |
| Requirements | 0 |
| Support | Yes |

How many props do u want outside?:


9 by my counts. It’s a open project those props can be removed by anyone if they want to do so. I like the vibe

Oof Legion square is super overlappy with maps needing to use the same files, can you please post a list of files your map uses (from GTA) for potential buyers?

Some props been removed

I use all the normal gabz maps like bean machine, pillbox and mrpd etc aswell as tons others and have not come across any issues with conflicts.

If anyone does require and support in the future my dms are open

After further inspection i came across a issue with gabz pillbox and the hooters map however its a simple fix of removing the following collisions from gabz pillbox


IP infringement