Home Invasions

This is definitely something we could add in the future :slight_smile:
There is already a helper script included to map new interiors.
In the meantime, we offer support with quick responses if anyone needs help :nerd_face:

Our resources are standalone and this is something that is framework specific.
It should not be difficult to configure if this is something you want, just take code from one of your existing resources and edit the files provided.

This is also something we can help you with if you are having trouble :heart:

I purchased this, but wish i had known how much work I’d have to do for it to be actually functional. I get it wanting it to be available to all frameworks but this type of thing surely could be better if specifically for ESX or QB etc? I have to build out my own adding inventory item for like 50 items, plus adding them to the DB, making pictures, plus adding esx police checks, police alerts, etc…the list kinda goes on. Not to mention the sadly small list of houses that come default with the script.

It works really well, but just kind of disappointing with how much I now need to do.

Sorry to hear you were disappointed.
The script has since been completely redone and now offers an internal inventory if you do not want to configure the items.
Quite a bit of locations have been added, as well as new items and easier setup.
We hope that you are happy with the update :slight_smile:

thank you very much for the update and response. Its awesome to see developers taking note of customer requests. Thank you!

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We really appreciate your patience.
If you have any other requests let us know and we will see what we can do!