- Main Discord: [] (AGNRP | FiveM)
- Department Discord: AGNRP | LSPD
- You can personally DM me on discord Marsh#0207 or BattleMaster475#1751
Mission Statement
- The Los Santos Police Department is committed to protect the lives, property and rights of all people, to maintain order and to enforce the law. The Los Santos Police Department will strive to accomplish this mission by setting goals and objectives and practicing the core values of the Office. It is our mission to improve and maintain the quality of life we enjoy and to ensure that our city is a safe place to live, work and visit.
LSPD Command Staff
- Chief Of Police - Marsh B.
- Assistant Chief Of Police - Noah C.
- Deputy Chief Of Police - Logan C.
- Commander - VACANT
- Major - Brayden A.
Our Subdivisions!
- Our department has many subdivisions within to allow our members to expand their knowledge and allow us to properly handle any situation at hand!
- Head - Currently ran by the High Command Team
- The primary goal for the S.W.A.T. (Special Weapons and Tactics) is to provide assistance and support to other varying departments and divisions where there is a significant risk of an armed or dangerous encounter with a suspect, or possibility of an outbreak of violence. The primary function of S.W.A.T. is to neutralize or mitigate extreme events; from creating a safe area for negotiations to be effective or as last option kicking in the door and neutralizing armed threats. S.W.A.T. is both a reactionary, and when possible, proactionary division.
Detectives Bureau
- Head - VACANT
- The role of DB is to investigate crimes and criminals. [Murders, robbery, narcotics trafficking, and major theft]. In DB our primary focus is extended and serious roleplay. Most units would leave after a store robbery scene with the suspect whereas DB deploy and do further investigations to gather more evidence to plant onto the suspect. E.g. DB can search for DNA traces or fingerprints or simple things like hair strands, then they would run DNA tests and match the evidence with a named suspect.
Traffic Enforcement
K9 officers specialize in searching for drugs, tracking/capturing suspects, and acting as a deterrent or defence. The K9 officers can work in cohesion with countless divisions to assist logistically. The K9 Unit is looking for an experienced Captain to run the division as well as officers who can work well in a team and be able to adapt to any situation.
What we are looking for
We are currently looking for people to fill our Patrol and Supervisor ranks. The main trait we look for in people is professionalism. Law, and LEO knowledge can be taught, learned, and improved upon. However, a base line level of professionalism especially within role play is required to create a good standing department. If you are interested in joining or have any questions feel free to message me directly or join our departments discord. Looking forward to seeing some of you!