-WA Police High Chain of Command & Command Team [0/9 Spots]
-Ambulance High Chain of Command & Command Team [0/6 Spots]
-Fire High Chain of Command & Command Team [0/8 Spots]
-Staff [0/5 Spots] No Applications are needed, simply create a ticket in the discord and request an interview.
You might wanna check the rules for bumping in this section of the forum
Bumping topics is allowed, however use common sense and follow a few basic rules (listed below) whenever bumping a topic.
Only bump topics if there’s been no activity within the last 24 hours. Nobody likes reading a topic, and seeing the last 5 comments being ‘bump bump bump’ posts all posted the same day. This is considered spam and can have a negative impact on your topic.
Whenever bumping, try to provide information that is worth reading. Don’t just write things like: “daily bump post”. That gets annoying very quickly for visitors. Instead, try to include things like:
Latest community news. Anything important that has happened within your community that’s worth sharing?
Progress updates. What are you actively working on within your community that people can look forward to in the (near) future.
Screenshots/media. No I don’t mean dumping your screenshots folder in a post and making the post 5 million lines long so people have to hold the ‘page down’ key for 5 minutes to reach the bottom, but post a few screenshots showing off specific features about your community. This can also include videos or other media assets.