High Bandwidth usage

My server averages between 80 and 100 player. There is too much bandwidth used in one day. (about 1 TB) What could be the reason for the increased bandwidth? Is it because of NPC related scripts?
Currently using 6457 artifact.

Over 3TB of outbound bandwidth for about 3 days.

Help Me

That can have a lot of different reasons.

  • The most obvious one is resource downloads. If you have a lot of new players (or players that think they have to delete their cache every single time) then they always need to stream your addon assets (MLOs, vehicles, clothes etc).

  • Next up is traffic from events. E.g. opening your inventory will always send all the inventory data to that player. Now do it 20x/second as a lot of players absolutely do for whatever reason. Just an example but there are maaany scripts out there that just send everything instead of the bare minimum.

  • Then we also have state bags although the same applies as for events.

  • Are you using voice chat on the same machine? Be it Mumble or an alternative but it will still raise your traffic by a lot.

  • If you also have your database on another server different to FiveM this will increase your traffic as well of course.