Herbs and Herbalist Role


Tebex Link : https://sire-vlc-scripts.tebex.io/package/6383797

Gather herbs all across the map, play missions and sell your herbs and herb collections at the herbalist shop !
Have an immersive and relaxing experience in Redm.

Herb spawn is managed by district (Tall trees, Heartlands etc…). You can choose the districts in which each herb is going to spawn and you can set the chance of spawning for each of these herbs. You can add, remove or edit the spawn coords in the districts. By default the game herb coords are being used and it’s around 6 000 coords.
Some herb can be set to spawn only near water, for that effect just set the WaterPlant param to true.

You can set a maximum amount of herb picking for each herb that can be gathered in a game session. You can also set a maximum amount of herb that can spawn in each coord.

You can either eat or pickup the plant and chose between various effects when eating it (health + stamina booost, vomit and hallucinating).

Herbs will spawn at a distance set in the config.lua (usually the culling limit zone) and will automatically get removed when you reach a certain distance from the previous spawned herb zones. If you come back to the previous zone new herbs will be generated.

The herbs missions allow you to gather rdo collectible herbs by default and it can be any other composite herbs from the game except orchids from story. See the full list below. You will need eagle eye to easily find these herbs during missions (can be activated by setting the eagle eye param to true in the config)

There’s an optional built-in herbalist role that will give you rewards when going through levels after obtaining xp from selling the herbs and playing the missions (import the sql)

The herbs aren’t networked, each player will see it’s own herb spawning in the zone.

There’s a compendium with all herbs in it, to access it either add it as an inventory item or use the optional command. You can edit it’s descriptions in the config.
If you have the Sirevlc Stable system you’ll be able to use the flower bags on your horse ! you can use it as an item or command ! Both compendium and flower bags have a triggerable event (see the config.lua). If you use any other stable script the flower bags won’t work. Also keep in mind that your horse will slightly gets angry when wearing these flower bags. I haven’t found the reason why yet. Make sure that sirevlc_herbs is ensured below sirevlc_horses.

At the herbalist shop you can sell your herbs one by one, or automatically sell all of them. You can also sell those as collections that you can set in the config.lua.

Here are all the herbs that can be gathered :
Alaskan Ginseng
American Ginseng
Bay Bolete
Black Currant
Blood flower
Burdock Root
Cardinal Flower
Chocolate Daisy
Common Bulrush
Creek Plum
Creeping Thyme
Desert Sage
English Mace
Evergreen Huckleberry
Golden Currant
Harrietum Officinalis
Hummingbird Sage
Indian Tobacco
Oleander Sage
Parasol Mushroom
Prairie Poppy
Ram’s Head
Red Raspberry
Red Sage
Texas Blue Bonnet
Violet Snowdrop
Wild Carrot
Wild Feverfew
Wild Mint
Wild Rhubarb
Wintergreen Berry




  1. Make sure your server is linked to your keymaster account

  2. Make sure you have either Mysql-async installed for REDEMRP or oxmysql for VORP/RSG

  3. Place the sirevlc_herbs, redemrp_menu_base, and sirevlc_notifications ressources into your server’s ressource folder

  4. in your server.cfg or ressources.cfg add these lines :

ensure redemrp_menu_base
ensure sirevlc_notifications
ensure sirevlc_herbs

  1. Download the herbs image pack that tebex sent you by mail and extract it in redemrp_menu_base/html/items

  2. Check the sirevlc_herbalist_items_list.txt and import the items into your database or inventory resource depending on the framework you use.

  3. Set your framework to true in the config.lua

  4. if using my stable system make sure that sirevlc_herbs is ensured below sirevlc_horses.

  5. Enjoy !



x- REDEMRP/VORP/RSG frameworks
x- redemrp_menu_base (Use with all frameworks)
x- mysql-async for REDEMRP or oxmysql for VORP/RSG
x- sirevlc_notifications

=======LOCKED FILES=====
All files are encrypted except the config file and the district herb coords.

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 2000
Requirements see the list above
Support Yes