Herat Map Milsim


The map will be structured around packages.

> The first package comprises a base designed for the milsim, including everything you need: infirmary, helipad, tarmac runway, command tent and much more.

There are a few references to the Call of Duty Mw2 games, which I’m sure you’ve already seen (it’s not really hidden).

It also includes a village ravaged by war and climate.

This first part already allows milsim roleplay fans to have some fun.

Other parts of the map will follow just as quickly.
Of course, you’ll need to take the first package to gain access to the others. A farm, a disused factory, a town and many more will be arriving very soon.


Of course, everything will be updated as problems arise.

Only the mappings and the time spent on them are monetized, not the props. All the props come from this site https://p3dm.ru as well as from SQUAD.

Thanks for reading.

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Herat Farm

Herat Farm is a self-sufficient farm with dwellings and fields.
A detailed zone allowing several types of gameplay for your roleplay.


You need the first package

thanks for reading