Help with weapon_unarmed

Hello everyone! I’ve been stuck several days in creating my own version of superstrength, without getting it working as intended.
At first, I tried by setting the Weapon Damage modifier of Weapon_unarmed, and it apparently worked, but of course I realized that changed the damage for everyone, including npcs (I want it to change only for specific players with specific data retrieved from database)

So I tried any possible variation of weapons damage modifier, the one that got me closer to what I want is SetPlayerMeleeWeaponDamageModifier, but since the game has been developed by Rockstar, fists, kicks and even the knuckle aren’t considered “melee” and thus that function doesn’t function (but it does flawlessly on any other melee weapon, such as the baseball bat or the stone hatchet)
So I was thinking to copy the meta file of a melee weapon (such as the bat) and replace it with the unarmed, but leaving animations and damage intact
Any idea on how I could do this? Or is there a better solution I didn’t think of?


How can I copy the weapons.meta file of the baseball bat into Weapon_unarmed so to make it a proper melee weapon and thus making SetPlayerMeleeWeaponDamageModifier take effect on that, too?