Help with addmoney

I’ve been trying to make an event that gives you a random amont of money 3500, 5000 as item, but is not working, when i TriggerEvent(gogoto:rewarditem) nothing happens

QBCore = exports['qb-core']:GetCoreObject()

AddEventHandler('gogoto:rewarditem', function(listKey)
    local src = source 
    local Player = QBCore.Functions.GetPlayer(src)
    local item = Config.Items
            Player.Functions.AddMoney(item, math.random(3500, 5000))
            TriggerClientEvent('inventory:client:ItemBox', src, QBCore.Shared.Items[item], 'add')


Config = {}

Config.Items = {

Hello PDF,

where do you execute your TriggerEvent('gogoto:rewarditem') on client or serverside? Have you ever debugged your code to find out if the problem is in the event code or the event’s call?


On clientside it should be:


On serverside it should be:


You can make this a lot easier by doing this

Player.Functions.AddMoney('cash', math.random(3500, 5000)) -- Just make it cash

If you want the config to work you can do this

Config = {}

Config.Items = {

Then in client you can do

QBCore = exports['qb-core']:GetCoreObject()

AddEventHandler('gogoto:rewarditem', function()
    local src = source 
    local Player = QBCore.Functions.GetPlayer(src)
    -- Selecting the first array in the Config
    local item = Config.Items[1]
    if item then
        local cashAmount = math.random(3500, 5000)
        Player.Functions.AddMoney(item, cashAmount)
        TriggerClientEvent('inventory:client:ItemBox', src, QBCore.Shared.Items[item], 'add')

If you want the money to be bank you can use this

Config = {}

Config.Items = {

Then in your client you can do this

QBCore = exports['qb-core']:GetCoreObject()

AddEventHandler('gogoto:rewarditem', function()
    local src = source 
    local Player = QBCore.Functions.GetPlayer(src)
    -- Selecting the second array in the Config since bank is the second array
    local item = Config.Items[2]
    if item then
        local cashAmount = math.random(3500, 5000)
        Player.Functions.AddMoney(item, cashAmount)
        TriggerClientEvent('inventory:client:ItemBox', src, QBCore.Shared.Items[item], 'add')

Let me know if this helps : )

Yes, you’re true, i was missing that and some things from server.lua thanks

Yes, that solved my server.lua issue, thank you :slight_smile:

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