[help] VRP Basic Garage

Hi there,

So currently I’m trying to set up the garages in vrp to work as follow:

Before the player is allowed to enter the buy menu a check is carried out to make sure that the “garage type” is equal to the “job”, and if so then allow the user to enter the buy menu.

Img 1: Here is where I’m trying to add something to check

“basic_garages.lua” code: https://pastebin.com/zJGsrnY9

Img 2: is where the garage types are listed
“garages.lua” code: https://pastebin.com/dDqJUF1p

img 3: is where the jobs are listed
“groups.lua” code: https://pastebin.com/GVZhvYcJ

If anyone could help me edit this that would be much appreciated, I’ve been working on this for roughly 2 weeks now trying to find a way to implement this, but finally decided to ask for some much-needed help.

Take a look to Dunko’s vRP modification, I think that feature is included in it.

It’s not included in Dunko.
If you haven’t figured this out already:


menu[lang.garage.buy.title()] = {function(player,choice)


if group == "UBER" then

and put an end after this line
