[Help] Vehicles keep despawning

And if so how would i go about disabling it?

I’m using Garages and my vehicle despawned now it’s stuck in the menu.

Thanks for any help.

nothing is pre-installed that alters the ingame experience

Thanks for reply, so got to be modification then that i’m using script or other wise?

Having hard time finding what is doing this anyone know off hand. I get in a car take it some where then i can get a total of 3-4 in same area then they disappear, using es_freeroam1.3 and mysql essintialsmode. i’ve tested vehcontrol and garages so far.

not using scammers delete script. those above only things i really got that has to do with cars. freaking weird.

Vehicles naturally despawn. It happens in GTA Online and GTAV as well. You’d need a script to stop or limit this from happening.

There is a mod for GTAV single player called “Entity Persistence” which does exactly that. Unfortunately this mod required RagePluginHook to work, which is not compatible with FiveM.


Ok, good to know.i just disabled everything to try to find what was causing it.

Seemed to slow down got like 5-6 piled up b4 i exited to start re enabling scripts and such.

Thanks much for the reply.

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SetEntityAsMissionEntity() is what you want to use, you can use it on pedestrians too if you don’t want a particular I.e. Mission important ped to despawn - Remember to unset this after but you probably won’t need to for a personal vehicle.

How to unset it? It has two boolean arguments both do nothing according to nativedb.

for tell to the game it can delete entity mark as mission , you can use this native : SET_ENTITY_AS_NO_LONGER_NEEDED

has anyone found an actual way to fix this issue, I too am having this issue and cant figure out what to do. for the last 3-4 days I have been searching through files and codes and cant find what to do . looked on google and there isn’t much about this issue would apprechiate any actual fix thanks.