[HELP] Use the getSharedObject Event, this event no longer exists

How to resolve this problem please ?

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You should read the error message :cowboy_hat_face:

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Hey @CelineDumont89,

try to add the following line of code in to the fxmanifest.lua of your qs-smartphone resource.

shared_script '@es_extended/imports.lua'

Now all you have to do is read through the scripts and remove code like this:

ESX = nil

    while ESX == nil do
        TriggerEvent('esx:getSharedObject', function(obj) ESX = obj end)

or this:

ESX = nil

TriggerEvent('esx:getSharedObject', function(obj) ESX = obj end)

If you did the steps right, it should resolve the problem.


If you would do this, the script wont work right? what will trigger the getSharedObject?

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Hey @Knoz9,
the getSharedObject is EOL/Deprecated. It was replaced with an Export/Import method.


The Export can be simply used by doing:

ESX = exports["es_extended"]:getSharedObject()


The import can be used by simply adding this into the fxmanifest.lua:

shared_script '@es_extended/imports.lua'

More information about esx:getSahredObject Deprecation can you find here: esx:getSharedObject Deprecation | ESX Documentation


hi, ive got the same problem but i already did these steps on my whole server.
how can i fix it

Read the docs, thats why it tells you to. if you cannot understand “Remove these lines of code” and “add this line of code”, you should go learn basic programming and stop making a fivem server until u can.


just what I was looking for…


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i did this but got this error with gks



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same still

you still have ESX = nil on top of the script, if the script is escrowed reach out to the creator

just a quick question this new export Code

ESX = exports["es_extended"]:getSharedObject()

“es_extended” . is the database name or a code i should keep it the same ?

Is the name of the resource where the export come from

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