Help to create a Delete Vehicles script

Do you guys know anything about it? Im looking on natives.lua and found these functions:

function DeleteVehicle()
	return _in(0xEA386986E786A54F, _i)
function ClearAreaOfVehicles(x, y, z, radius, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8)
	return _in(0x01C7B9B38428AEB6, x, y, z, radius, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8)

I tried the first one after use GetVehiclePedIsIn(), but this function don’t need any parameter, so, im lost.
The second one, i put x, y, z, radius but those p4, p5… i don’t know if is boolean, int, float or string. Once again, i tried this with int parameters on p’s, without any sucess…

This is my first time scripting in lua and i learning all from myself.

Any help is appreciated!

p4, p5, p6, p7, p8 are all BOOL
just set them to false and try

If you look et DeleteVehicle() you will see it doesn’t accept parameters currently. This is being worked on.

@horst90 said in Help to create a Delete Vehicles script:

p4, p5, p6, p7, p8 are all BOOL
just set them to false and try

I’ve tried this and doesn’t work too…

@kanersps said in Help to create a Delete Vehicles script:

If you look et DeleteVehicle() you will see it doesn’t accept parameters currently. This is being worked on.

Ok then. Thanks for the reply! I’ll keep looking on natives.lua and post here if i get any progress.