Hello guys,
I’m out looking for a mod that I do not know the name and having a bad time looking for it.
It’s basically like a login start up for players joining the server each time, that has a saving system.
I seen one but that was not for my liking, I would really appreciate any support you provide to me.
But the one I saw did not provide any kind of saving system, I also have issues with spawning player systems.
Looking for a basic or something that allows people to spawn in one location etc.
I saw one place and most would know of this place.
As it was in the main story of GTA SP. Where you take control of Micheal and have to complete a side missions, that involves you having to kill clowns at the start of the game in a location that you take a drug of some kind.
I would expect you now know the location now?
That’s where I would want my players to start spawning as a spawn point.
Please be warned, I’m not very experienced with any type of coding, scripting C++, Lua etc…
But I want to be able to build this server with the release page items for now to get my server started.
While I learn as I build later on in the incoming mouths I run my server and thanks for taking time to read!