[HELP] Skin bug


I would like to know why this product


because you use 2 types of top that are not compatible, isn’t it obvious enough?


It’s obvious indeed, but ,can you give an solution… ?


try to find the compatible model lol


Okay so, I let you explain how to make 2 shirts compatible between them plz :smile:

dont know what menu you use but there is 2 options that change the top, like teeshirt and sweetshirt. In “teeshirt” you have some clear body to fit the different types of sweetshirts.

Can you help me with it ?

local Keys = {
	["ESC"] = 322, ["F1"] = 288, ["F2"] = 289, ["F3"] = 170, ["F5"] = 166, ["F6"] = 167, ["F7"] = 168, ["F8"] = 169, ["F9"] = 56, ["F10"] = 57, 
	["~"] = 243, ["1"] = 157, ["2"] = 158, ["3"] = 160, ["4"] = 164, ["5"] = 165, ["6"] = 159, ["7"] = 161, ["8"] = 162, ["9"] = 163, ["-"] = 84, ["="] = 83, ["BACKSPACE"] = 177, 
	["TAB"] = 37, ["Q"] = 44, ["W"] = 32, ["E"] = 38, ["R"] = 45, ["T"] = 245, ["Y"] = 246, ["U"] = 303, ["P"] = 199, ["["] = 39, ["]"] = 40, ["ENTER"] = 18,
	["CAPS"] = 137, ["A"] = 34, ["S"] = 8, ["D"] = 9, ["F"] = 23, ["G"] = 47, ["H"] = 74, ["K"] = 311, ["L"] = 182,
	["LEFTSHIFT"] = 21, ["Z"] = 20, ["X"] = 73, ["C"] = 26, ["V"] = 0, ["B"] = 29, ["N"] = 249, ["M"] = 244, [","] = 82, ["."] = 81,
	["LEFTCTRL"] = 36, ["LEFTALT"] = 19, ["SPACE"] = 22, ["RIGHTCTRL"] = 70, 
	["HOME"] = 213, ["PAGEUP"] = 10, ["PAGEDOWN"] = 11, ["DELETE"] = 178,
	["LEFT"] = 174, ["RIGHT"] = 175, ["TOP"] = 27, ["DOWN"] = 173,
	["NENTER"] = 201, ["N4"] = 108, ["N5"] = 60, ["N6"] = 107, ["N+"] = 96, ["N-"] = 97, ["N7"] = 117, ["N8"] = 61, ["N9"] = 118

GUI              = {}
GUI.MenuIsShowed = false
GUI.Time         = 0

Character = {
	sex          = 0,
	face         = 0,
	skin         = 0,
	beard_1      = 0,
	beard_2      = 0,
	beard_3      = 0,
	beard_4      = 0,
	hair_1       = 0,
	hair_2       = 0,
	hair_color_1 = 0,
	hair_color_2 = 0,
	tshirt_1     = 0,
	tshirt_2     = 0,
	torso_1      = 0,
	torso_2      = 0,
	decals_1     = 0,
	decals_2     = 0,
	arms         = 0,
	pants_1      = 0,
	pants_2      = 0,
	shoes        = 0,
	helmet_1     = 0,
	helmet_2     = 0,
	glasses_1    = 0,
	glasses_2    = 0

LastSex     = 0;
LoadSkin    = nil;
LoadClothes = nil;

AddEventHandler('skinchanger:modelLoaded', function()

	if LoadSkin ~= nil then

		if LoadSkin['sex'] ~= nil then
			Character['sex'] = LoadSkin['sex']

		if LoadSkin['face'] ~= nil then
			Character['face'] = LoadSkin['face']

		if LoadSkin['skin'] ~= nil then
			Character['skin'] = LoadSkin['skin']

		if LoadSkin['beard_1'] ~= nil then
			Character['beard_1'] = LoadSkin['beard_1']

		if LoadSkin['beard_2'] ~= nil then
			Character['beard_2'] = LoadSkin['beard_2']

		if LoadSkin['beard_3'] ~= nil then
			Character['beard_3'] = LoadSkin['beard_3']

		if LoadSkin['beard_4'] ~= nil then
			Character['beard_4'] = LoadSkin['beard_4']

		if LoadSkin['hair_1'] ~= nil then
			Character['hair_1'] = LoadSkin['hair_1']

		if LoadSkin['hair_2'] ~= nil then
			Character['hair_2'] = LoadSkin['hair_2']

		if LoadSkin['hair_color_1'] ~= nil then
			Character['hair_color_1'] = LoadSkin['hair_color_1']

		if LoadSkin['hair_color_2'] ~= nil then
			Character['hair_color_2'] = LoadSkin['hair_color_2']

		if LoadSkin['tshirt_1'] ~= nil then
			Character['tshirt_1'] = LoadSkin['tshirt_1']

		if LoadSkin['tshirt_2'] ~= nil then
			Character['tshirt_2'] = LoadSkin['tshirt_2']

		if LoadSkin['torso_1'] ~= nil then
			Character['torso_1'] = LoadSkin['torso_1']

		if LoadSkin['torso_2'] ~= nil then
			Character['torso_2'] = LoadSkin['torso_2']

		if LoadSkin['decals_1'] ~= nil then
			Character['decals_1'] = LoadSkin['decals_1']

		if LoadSkin['decals_2'] ~= nil then
			Character['decals_2'] = LoadSkin['decals_2']

		if LoadSkin['arms'] ~= nil then
			Character['arms'] = LoadSkin['arms']

		if LoadSkin['pants_1'] ~= nil then
			Character['pants_1'] = LoadSkin['pants_1']

		if LoadSkin['pants_2'] ~= nil then
			Character['pants_2'] = LoadSkin['pants_2']

		if LoadSkin['shoes'] ~= nil then
			Character['shoes'] = LoadSkin['shoes']

		if LoadSkin['helmet_1'] ~= nil then
			Character['helmet_1'] = LoadSkin['helmet_1']

		if LoadSkin['helmet_2'] ~= nil then
			Character['helmet_2'] = LoadSkin['helmet_2']

		if LoadSkin['glasses_1'] ~= nil then
			Character['glasses_1'] = LoadSkin['glasses_1']

		if LoadSkin['glasses_2'] ~= nil then
			Character['glasses_2'] = LoadSkin['glasses_2']

		local playerPed = GetPlayerPed(-1)
		SetPedHeadBlendData(playerPed, Character['face'], Character['face'], Character['face'], Character['skin'], Character['skin'], Character['skin'], 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, true)
		SetPedHeadOverlay(playerPed,  1,  Character['beard_1'],  (Character['beard_2'] / 10) + 0.0)    -- Beard
		SetPedHeadOverlayColor(playerPed,  1,  1,  Character['beard_3'],  Character['beard_4'])        -- Beard Color
		SetPedComponentVariation(playerPed, 2, Character['hair_1'], Character['hair_2'], 2)	           -- Hair
		SetPedHairColor(playerPed, Character['hair_color_1'], Character['hair_color_2']) 		           -- Hair Color
		SetPedComponentVariation(playerPed, 8,  Character['tshirt_1'], Character['tshirt_2'], 2)       -- Tshirt
		SetPedComponentVariation(playerPed, 11, Character['torso_1'], Character['torso_2'], 2)         -- torso parts
		SetPedComponentVariation(playerPed, 3, Character['arms'], 0, 2)                               -- torso
		SetPedComponentVariation(playerPed, 10, Character['decals_1'], Character['decals_2'], 2)       -- decals
		SetPedComponentVariation(playerPed, 4, Character['pants_1'], Character['pants_2'], 2)          -- pants
		SetPedComponentVariation(playerPed, 6, Character['shoes'], 0, 2) 									           -- shoes
		SetPedPropIndex(playerPed, 0, Character['helmet_1'], Character['helmet_2'], 2)                 -- Helmet
		SetPedPropIndex(playerPed, 1, Character['glasses_1'], Character['glasses_2'], 2)               -- Glasses

		LoadSkin = nil


	if LoadClothes ~= nil then

		if LoadClothes.playerSkin['sex'] ~= nil then
			Character['sex'] = LoadClothes.playerSkin['sex']

		if LoadClothes.playerSkin['face'] ~= nil then
			Character['face'] = LoadClothes.playerSkin['face']

		if LoadClothes.playerSkin['skin'] ~= nil then
			Character['skin'] = LoadClothes.playerSkin['skin']

		if LoadClothes.playerSkin['beard_1'] ~= nil then
			Character['beard_1'] = LoadClothes.playerSkin['beard_1']

		if LoadClothes.playerSkin['beard_2'] ~= nil then
			Character['beard_2'] = LoadClothes.playerSkin['beard_2']

		if LoadClothes.playerSkin['beard_3'] ~= nil then
			Character['beard_3'] = LoadClothes.playerSkin['beard_3']

		if LoadClothes.playerSkin['beard_4'] ~= nil then
			Character['beard_4'] = LoadClothes.playerSkin['beard_4']

		if LoadClothes.playerSkin['hair_1'] ~= nil then
			Character['hair_1'] = LoadClothes.playerSkin['hair_1']

		if LoadClothes.playerSkin['hair_2'] ~= nil then
			Character['hair_2'] = LoadClothes.playerSkin['hair_2']

		if LoadClothes.playerSkin['hair_color_1'] ~= nil then
			Character['hair_color_1'] = LoadClothes.playerSkin['hair_color_1']

		if LoadClothes.playerSkin['hair_color_2'] ~= nil then
			Character['hair_color_2'] = LoadClothes.playerSkin['hair_color_2']

		if LoadClothes.clothesSkin['tshirt_1'] ~= nil then
			Character['tshirt_1'] = LoadClothes.clothesSkin['tshirt_1']

		if LoadClothes.clothesSkin['tshirt_2'] ~= nil then
			Character['tshirt_2'] = LoadClothes.clothesSkin['tshirt_2']

		if LoadClothes.clothesSkin['torso_1'] ~= nil then
			Character['torso_1'] = LoadClothes.clothesSkin['torso_1']

		if LoadClothes.clothesSkin['torso_2'] ~= nil then
			Character['torso_2'] = LoadClothes.clothesSkin['torso_2']

		if LoadClothes.clothesSkin['decals_1'] ~= nil then
			Character['decals_1'] = LoadClothes.clothesSkin['decals_1']

		if LoadClothes.clothesSkin['decals_2'] ~= nil then
			Character['decals_2'] = LoadClothes.clothesSkin['decals_2']

		if LoadClothes.clothesSkin['arms'] ~= nil then
			Character['arms'] = LoadClothes.clothesSkin['arms']

		if LoadClothes.clothesSkin['pants_1'] ~= nil then
			Character['pants_1'] = LoadClothes.clothesSkin['pants_1']

		if LoadClothes.clothesSkin['pants_2'] ~= nil then
			Character['pants_2'] = LoadClothes.clothesSkin['pants_2']

		if LoadClothes.clothesSkin['shoes'] ~= nil then
			Character['shoes'] = LoadClothes.clothesSkin['shoes']

		if LoadClothes.clothesSkin['helmet_1'] ~= nil then
			Character['helmet_1'] = LoadClothes.clothesSkin['helmet_1']

		if LoadClothes.clothesSkin['helmet_2'] ~= nil then
			Character['helmet_2'] = LoadClothes.clothesSkin['helmet_2']

		if LoadClothes.clothesSkin['glasses_1'] ~= nil then
			Character['glasses_1'] = LoadClothes.clothesSkin['glasses_1']

		if LoadClothes.clothesSkin['glasses_2'] ~= nil then
			Character['glasses_2'] = LoadClothes.clothesSkin['glasses_2']

		local playerPed = GetPlayerPed(-1)

		SetPedHeadBlendData(playerPed, Character['face'], Character['face'], LoadClothes.playerSkin['face'], Character['skin'], Character['skin'], Character['skin'], 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, true)
		SetPedHeadOverlay(playerPed,  1,  Character['beard_1'],  (Character['beard_2'] / 10) + 0.0) -- Beard
		SetPedHeadOverlayColor(playerPed,  1,  1,  Character['beard_3'],  Character['beard_4'])     -- Beard Color

		SetPedComponentVariation(playerPed, 2, Character['hair_1'], Character['hair_2'], 2)	      	-- Hair
		SetPedHairColor(playerPed, Character['hair_color_1'], Character['hair_color_2']) 		      	-- Hair Color
		SetPedComponentVariation(playerPed, 8,  Character['tshirt_1'],Character['tshirt_2'], 2)  -- Tshirt
		SetPedComponentVariation(playerPed, 11, Character['torso_1'], Character['torso_2'], 2)    -- torso parts
		SetPedComponentVariation(playerPed, 3, Character['arms'], 0, 2)                          -- torso
		SetPedComponentVariation(playerPed, 10, Character['decals_1'], Character['decals_2'], 2)  -- decals
		SetPedComponentVariation(playerPed, 4, Character['pants_1'], Character['pants_2'], 2)     -- pants
		SetPedComponentVariation(playerPed, 6, Character['shoes'], 0, 2) 									      -- shoes
		SetPedPropIndex(playerPed, 0, Character['helmet_1'], Character['helmet_2'], 2)            -- Helmet
		SetPedPropIndex(playerPed, 1, Character['glasses_1'], Character['glasses_2'], 2)          -- Glasses

		LoadClothes = nil



AddEventHandler('skinchanger:loadSkin', function(skin)
	LoadSkin = skin

	if skin['sex'] == 0 then
		TriggerEvent('skinchanger:LoadDefaultModel', true)
		TriggerEvent('skinchanger:LoadDefaultModel', false)


AddEventHandler('skinchanger:loadClothes', function(playerSkin, clothesSkin)
	LoadClothes = {
		playerSkin  = playerSkin,
		clothesSkin = clothesSkin

	if playerSkin['sex'] == 0 then
		TriggerEvent('skinchanger:LoadDefaultModel', true)
		TriggerEvent('skinchanger:LoadDefaultModel', false)


AddEventHandler('skinchanger:openMenu', function()
		setDisplay = true,
		vals       = Character,
		maxVals    = GetMaxVals()

	GUI.MenuIsShowed = true

AddEventHandler('skinchanger:openMenuWithArgs', function(skin)
	Character = skin

		setDisplay = true,
		vals       = Character,
		maxVals    = GetMaxVals()

	GUI.MenuIsShowed = true

AddEventHandler('skinchanger:closeMenu', function()
		setDisplay = false

	GUI.MenuIsShowed = false

RegisterNUICallback('change', function(data, cb)

	local playerPed = GetPlayerPed(-1)

	Character[data.target] = data.value

	if Character['sex'] ~= LastSex then
		if Character['sex'] == 0 then
			TriggerEvent('skinchanger:LoadDefaultModel', true)
			TriggerEvent('skinchanger:LoadDefaultModel', false)

	LastSex = Character['sex']

	SetPedHeadBlendData(playerPed, Character['face'], Character['face'], Character['face'], Character['skin'], Character['skin'], Character['skin'], 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, true)
	SetPedHeadOverlay(playerPed,  1,  Character['beard_1'],  (Character['beard_2'] / 10) + 0.0)  -- Beard
	SetPedHeadOverlayColor(playerPed,  1,  1,  Character['beard_3'],  Character['beard_4'])        -- Beard Color

	SetPedComponentVariation(playerPed, 2, Character['hair_1'], Character['hair_2'], 2)	      -- Hair
	SetPedHairColor(playerPed, Character['hair_color_1'], Character['hair_color_2']) 		      -- Hair Color
	SetPedComponentVariation(playerPed, 8,  Character['tshirt_1'], Character['tshirt_2'], 2)  -- Tshirt
	SetPedComponentVariation(playerPed, 11, Character['torso_1'], Character['torso_2'], 2)    -- torso parts
	SetPedComponentVariation(playerPed, 10, Character['decals_1'], Character['decals_2'], 2)  -- decals
	SetPedComponentVariation(playerPed, 3, Character['arms'], 0, 2)                           -- torso
	SetPedComponentVariation(playerPed, 4, Character['pants_1'], Character['pants_2'], 2)     -- pants
	SetPedComponentVariation(playerPed, 6, Character['shoes'], 0, 2) 									   	    -- shoes
	SetPedPropIndex(playerPed, 0, Character['helmet_1'], Character['helmet_2'], 2)            -- Helmet
	SetPedPropIndex(playerPed, 1, Character['glasses_1'], Character['glasses_2'], 2)          -- Glasses

		maxVals = GetMaxVals()

	TriggerEvent('skinchanger:change', Character)



function GetMaxVals()

  local playerPed = GetPlayerPed(-1)

	return {
		sex          = 1,
		face         = 45,
		skin         = 45,
		beard_1      = GetNumHeadOverlayValues(1),
		beard_2      = 10,
		beard_3      = 63,
		beard_4      = 63,
		hair_1       = GetNumberOfPedDrawableVariations(playerPed, 2) - 1,
		hair_2       = GetNumberOfPedTextureVariations(playerPed, 2, Character['hair_1']) - 1,
		hair_color_1 = 22,
		hair_color_2 = 4,
		tshirt_1     = GetNumberOfPedDrawableVariations(playerPed, 8) - 1,
		tshirt_2     = GetNumberOfPedTextureVariations(playerPed, 8, Character['tshirt_1']) - 1,
		torso_1      = GetNumberOfPedDrawableVariations(playerPed, 11) - 1,
		torso_2      = GetNumberOfPedTextureVariations(playerPed, 11, Character['torso_1']) - 1,
		decals_1     = GetNumberOfPedDrawableVariations(playerPed, 10) - 1,
		decals_2     = GetNumberOfPedTextureVariations(playerPed, 10, Character['decals_1']) - 1,
		arms         = GetNumberOfPedDrawableVariations(playerPed, 3) - 1,
		pants_1      = GetNumberOfPedDrawableVariations(playerPed, 4) - 1,
		pants_2      = GetNumberOfPedTextureVariations(playerPed, 4, Character['pants_1']) - 1,
		shoes        = GetNumberOfPedDrawableVariations(playerPed, 6) - 1,
		helmet_1     = GetNumberOfPedPropDrawableVariations(playerPed, 0) - 1,
		helmet_2     = GetNumberOfPedTextureVariations(playerPed, 0, Character['helmet_1']) - 1,
		glasses_1    = GetNumberOfPedPropDrawableVariations(playerPed, 1) - 1,
		glasses_2    = GetNumberOfPedTextureVariations(playerPed, 1, Character['glasses_1'] - 1),


-- Menu interactions
	while true do


    if IsControlPressed(0, Keys["LEFT"]) and GUI.MenuIsShowed and (GetGameTimer() - GUI.Time) > 150 then

				move = 'LEFT',

	  	GUI.Time = GetGameTimer()

    if IsControlPressed(0, Keys["RIGHT"]) and GUI.MenuIsShowed and (GetGameTimer() - GUI.Time) > 150 then

				move = 'RIGHT'

	  	GUI.Time = GetGameTimer()

    if IsControlPressed(0, Keys["TOP"]) and GUI.MenuIsShowed and (GetGameTimer() - GUI.Time) > 150 then

				move = 'UP'

	  	GUI.Time = GetGameTimer()

    if IsControlPressed(0, Keys["DOWN"]) and GUI.MenuIsShowed and (GetGameTimer() - GUI.Time) > 150 then

				move = 'DOWN'

	  	GUI.Time = GetGameTimer()

    if IsControlPressed(0, Keys["ENTER"]) and GUI.MenuIsShowed and (GetGameTimer() - GUI.Time) > 150 then

    	TriggerEvent('skinchanger:onSubmit', Character)

	  	GUI.Time = GetGameTimer()

    if IsControlPressed(0, Keys["BACKSPACE"]) and GUI.MenuIsShowed and (GetGameTimer() - GUI.Time) > 150 then


	  	GUI.Time = GetGameTimer()

1 Like

lol do what I do. Take a whole 2 mins to find the compatible shirt xD

1 Like

What? I try to keep that clothes that are not bugue, just try skin changer script and then you can tell me “2min” I do not look for a script of gypsy

Quoi ? je cherche a garder que les vetements qui ne sont pas bugué, juste essaye skinchanger et apres tu pourra me dire “compare les t-shirt 2min” avec tes lol et tes xD la, si tu sais pas aider les gens te paye pas leur tete, répond juste pas. cdlt

1 Like

You have a lot of mods menus to change your skins components… why are you messing up with a scrips? -_-
and we are not mediums, we can’t find by ourself what mod you use or what you are doing. you show a glitchy skin, with noticed “it not working”… we can just tell you “fix it”… you have the help to fit your question…

t’as je sait pas combien de mods menu pour changer de skin et de composants… pourquoi tu t’emmerde avec un script?
Et on est pas voyants, on peut pas deviner tout seul quel mod t’utilise et ce que t’es entrain de foutre… on voit une photo de skin foireux et ecrit en dessous “sa marche pas”… t’as la reponse qui va avec ta question… alors apprend a demander de l’aide sur un forum pour commencer.

I have just asked how to solve the problem of the clothes and I am answered to try the compatible clothes, I try not to have the player hard to choose his clothes but a stable script, after I ask to see your mod menus which 'Imagine does not come from gta5-mods.com

I just come to ask for help at the base not to be told (lol xd learns to ask for help …)

j’ai juste demander comment résoudre le probleme des habits et on me répond d’essayer les habits compatibles, je cherche pas a se que le joueur galère a choisir ses habits mais un script stable, apres je demande a voir tes mod menus qui j’imagine ne vienne pas de gta5-mods.com

je vien juste demander de l’aide a la base pas qu’on me dise (lol xd apprend a demander de l’aide…)


no, my menus don’t come from GTA5Mods, it come from FiveM releases… because i use FiveM compatible menus. Because there is a lot of different suits, if you want a easy to custom skin, just use a ped model. Using the MP male/female will give you a lot of options, so you can take your time and search for good suit to fit, if you won’t we can’t do anything for you.
Maybe try the scripts for clothes shops from the release section, should be easyer to use.
And sorry but if you can’t describe your problem correctly (used trainer, client or server side…), we can’t answer correctly…

Non mes menus ne viennent pas de gta5mods, ils viennent de la partie release du forum FiveM… parce que j’utilise des mods vraiment compatible avec FiveM. Parce qu’il y a beaucoup d’habits differents pour le skin MP Male/Female, il vaut mieu utiliser des skins de NPC si tu veut quelquechose de facile a personnaliser.Utiliser les skins MP va te donner beaucoup d’options, donc tu aura a chercher ce qui correspond a quoi d’un menu a l’autre, si tu veut pas, on pourra pas faire grand chose pour toi.
Peu-etre essaie les scripts pour les magasins d’habits disponibles dans la partie release, c’est peu-etre plus facile a utiliser.
Et désolé mais si tu ne sait pas decrire ton probleme correctement (menu utilisé, client ou server side…), on peu pas te repondre correctement.

As much for me but what you do not understand I think is that I do not find a good script to do this, let alone a clothing store, (I ask to see) then I use skinchanger do by “Indilo” The problem is that there is practically no single clothes of clean so there are holes in the skin or the clothes superimposes, so what I ask from the beginning is a way of doing for the (Or whatever the solution but a real plz solution) with a bit of detail if it’s possible because I personally share my client-side and I can not choose which clothes to put or not Not put in the menu and sorry for my google translation in hoping to be understandable


Autant pour moi mais ce que tu comprend pas je croi c’est que je ne trouve pas de bon script pour faire cela, et encore moins un magasin de vêtements, (je demande a voir) ensuite j’utilise skinchanger fais par “Indilo” le problème c’est qu’il n’y a pratiquement pas un seul habits de propre sois il y a des trou dans la peau soit les habits se superpose, donc ce que je demande depuis le début c’est une manière de faire pour les trier, (ou peut importe la solution mais une solution pour avoir quelque chose de propre plz ) avec un peu de détail si c’est possible parce que personnellement j’ai partager mon client-side et je n’y arrive pas a choisir lesquels vêtements mettre ou ne pas mettre dans le menu et désolé pour mon google traduction en éspérant avoir été asser clair.


1 Like

I don’t know this script you are using.
if you have a server:
-install essentialmode

-install this script

-then add this script

So you will have working clothes shops on your server.

if you just want a clientside menu, install this mod menu in your FiveM and go in servers that allow to use Scripthook.

You will have a menu with a good players customisation section into it developed especially for FiveM use.

1 Like

I will test his thank you very much for your help and sorry for my english

It’s exactly all the same scripts, it takes 3 hours to find a correct set …


Yes but apparently for people it is a script 100% functional…