[Help] Showing drug Icon

Hi there so im trying to install a turtles script so that people can catch but i’m having trouble adding icon on the map .
Could you guys give me a hand ?


What is the actual problem? Just add them in there on a new line?

the icon dosent show .
i would like to show where to sell and process the turtles .

Is there anything in the console that does not seem right or your F8 while ingame?
Is this your own script or somone else(link)?

someone else

In config.zones. Just change the x,y,z to whatever place you want. It’s simpe replacement in a config file

will that show the icon on the map ?

Look what he is writing ffs. Just change the coordinates in the config file. He made it easy for you

i know about the coordinates … even if i out the coordnates the icons one the map won’t show

If you can’t change the coordinates by yourself then don’t make a server or get somone to do it for you

im telling you i do know how to change the coordnates … if you see my print you can see that i add a coordnate but i want the icon to show on the map …

Markertype and markercolor? Look in the client files there you can see where he drawmarks and everything else

ty thats what i was lookin for <2

Mark is as completed then :slight_smile:

ill try and update if it work or not

the icon its not showing

but the markers is :confused:

Small workaround. We will just create the blips ourself then, i dont want to look through his code

local blips = {
    -- Example {title="", colour=, id=, x=, y=, z=},

     {title="Example 1", colour=5, id=446, x = -347.291, y = -133.370, z = 38.009},
     {title="Example 2", colour=30, id=108, x = 260.130, y = 204.308, z = 109.287}

    for _, info in pairs(blips) do
      info.blip = AddBlipForCoord(info.x, info.y, info.z)
      SetBlipSprite(info.blip, info.id)
      SetBlipDisplay(info.blip, 4)
      SetBlipScale(info.blip, 1.0)
      SetBlipColour(info.blip, info.colour)
      SetBlipAsShortRange(info.blip, true)

the prob arent the blip but the icon .

I think you confusing the blips with icons…
I know if i put the the coordnates like you said the blips shows but what i want is that the icon shows in the map .

To show players where to go to farm the turltles

The blip is the icon? Or do you mean the circle you enter? Either ask on the original topic or create a new blip with a custom icon

thats what im trying to do create a custom icon but i dont know how .

i want one of these icon :

so that people know where to fish the turtle on the map