[HELP] Set blip scale

Has anyone had any luck with setting blip scale? I’ve tried testing with this:

local test = {
    { name = 'Test1', sprite = -1289383059, x=-145.05, y=377.01, z=118.7, scale = 0.05 },
    { name = 'Test2', sprite = -1289383059, x=-114.05, y=265.01, z=118.7, scale = 0.005 },
    { name = 'Test3', sprite = -1289383059, x=-89.61, y=139.01, z=118.7, scale = 1.0 },
    { name = 'Test4', sprite = -1289383059, x=-66.41, y=16.23, z=118.7, scale = 2.0 },
    { name = 'Test5', sprite = -1289383059, x=-38.36, y=-541.23, z=118.7, scale = 5.0 },

    for _, info in pairs(test) do
        local blip = N_0x554d9d53f696d002(1664425300, info.x, info.y, info.z)
        SetBlipSprite(blip, info.sprite, 1)
        Citizen.InvokeNative(0xD38744167B2FA257, blip, info.scale)
        --SetBlipScale(blip, info.scale)
        Citizen.InvokeNative(0x9CB1A1623062F402, blip, info.name)

But as you can see they just turn out the same size whether I invoke the native directly or try to use the alias.

I’ll continue to try to figure this out, but if anyone else does first post it here! Everyone’s mini-maps are currently very cluttered looking. :joy:

Hi, i’ve been trying to do the same thing, i wanted to put a big red circle area on the map but i had no luck scaling any blip.

Test with SetBlipScale(test, 0.5)