someone can help me convert this to command instead of usableitem
This is an easy one…
Would you like to check if the player have the item ?
If not then the code should look like that :
local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
if you want to check the item then do
local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
local xItem = xPlayer.getInventoryItem('spray_remover')
if xItem.count > 0 then
--xPlayer.removeInventoryItem('spray_remover',1) --you could unmark also the code if you want to remove the item
I hope i helped you to solve your problem (‘The commands is server sided if you dont know’)
its look like this now if i delete 12-31 its remove the item and do the animation but dont delete the spray not in the game and not in the database.
and if i keep it and use its seems like this: Screenshot-8 hosted at ImgBB — ImgBB
Maybe can i see what the triggerclientevent is doing ? Is it triggering anything back?
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