[HELP] Problem with particle/sound

I have a problem i try to add a line behind the player and play sound but it does not work… So if somebody have the solution :stuck_out_tongue:

My code :

StartParticleFxNonLoopedOnPedBone("scr_carsteal4_tyre_spiked", ped, 0.0,-0.25,-0.07, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1,  1, 0, 0, 0)
PlaySoundFromEntity(-1, "Woosh_01", ped, "FBI_HEIST_ELEVATOR_SHAFT_DEBRIS_SOUNDS", 0.0, 0.0)

Maybe something in this could help you : [HELP] Need to know how to make particles sync with other players

I have already check this ^^

I have modified the thread… :slight_smile:

And its not the same native, my native doesnt need to have this :

					if not HasNamedPtfxAssetLoaded("core") then
						while not HasNamedPtfxAssetLoaded("core") do

Have you check your client’s log ?

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Yup i dont have any error

Somebody have the solution :frowning: ?