[HELP Needed] Removing categories from skinchanger

Hello guys, I’ve made little research before posting here but I haven’t found any answers that would fit to my problem.

(Also I’m sorry for my grammar if its crappy)

Like I wrote in topic, somehow I need to remove few categories from skinchanger menu (like backpack, bulletproof_vest etc)

I already tried to do it for my own but ended with multiple crashes of script so xD

Any ideas/links?

Ask directly in the skinchanger topic

That really don’t help me xd
Where’s the original topic cuz I don’t see it ;p

Oh there’s no topic. So you can ask here: https://github.com/ESX-Org/skinchanger there’s a ‘issue’ tab

I see there already is one topic with same question (and few others) from December 2018 but nobody answered :confused:
I don’t think one more would change something ;v

Ok, I see. I can’t help you a lot because I don’t ESX, but maybe someone can.

Okay I understand, anyway thanks for help and I’m going to wait for more answers

Please do not create new topics for support/questions related to existing resources.

Only ask questions or request support in the original resource topic, or on whatever site/page you got the resource from (for example: create an issue on the GitHub page of the resource that you downloaded).

That way the original resource creator will get a notification and be able to help properly. This also helps to reduce duplicate topics of the same issue, because everything will be inside the original topic, allowing everyone to see all issues and solutions in one place.

Thanks for keeping the forums tidy.
