[Help Needed] EUP Not Working

i have the argentum key activated
on my server
but the eups still not working
any fixes?

Snaily The Monitor via cfx.re project hub Discord: Make sure your FiveM forum email and Patreon email are the same. It can take up to 6 hours for synchronisation upon which https://keymaster.fivem.net/ will say you are bestowed with bonuses. Any new and existing license keys will have these bonuses. If you are using ZAP hosting, you need to create a license key and enter this as “Custom license key” in the ZAP hosting control panel.

@notsiege Negative. There is no problem with the key.

Which tier do you have?


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are your FiveM forums email and your Patreon email the same?

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yes but its not this one, its another

Have you started the eup file script? Or just the UI? It looks like you haven’t installed the eup clothes.
You need to make a folder, in there a fxmanifest.lua or __resource.lua, but don’t write something in it, then create another folder in the folder and call it “stream” and put every clothing files in there. The EUP clothing files should be at around 500 - 800MB big.

whichever account you login to FiveM keymaster with needs to have the same email as your patreon account, specifically whichever keymaster account has your server key

You have to customize youre skin(eup-ui.lua)You have to do this with every single EUP

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