Hello, I have problem on my server with mellotrainer. I have mellotrainer and today stopped working “online player list” and player map blip. I search on web but I didnt find this issue. I reinstalled mellotrainer but it isnt working.
Please, do you know why?
MelloTrainer is extremely outdated and has a number of security flaws, do not use it. Get vMenu.
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Do you know how can I change open key in vMenu?
permissions.cfg change the value of setr vmenu_menu_toggle_key
But what folder to copy on server. I cant see __resource.lua there.
Oh, I got it. I downloaded bad vMenu . Thanks guys.
Can I set vMenu only for admins?
And where can I set default options?
Please refer to the original vMenu post for any queries on vMenu. On the OP you will find the wiki for vMenu which gives you a complete guide to setting up vMenu.