[help] Linux (ubuntu 16.04) Server Icon error?

Good day,

I have been locally hosting a windows FiveM server for roughly 6 months now.
Recently i purchased a VPS (running Ubuntu 16.04 w/ Mono 4.8.1)
Everything is working except the server icon?
( ive followed all instructions found here: [Deprecated][Tutorial] How To Setup A Linux Server (Ubuntu 16.04) From Start To Finish!)
My “citmp-server.yml” looks like this:

# uncomment and set to the path of an icon to use in the server browser. it should be square.
ServerIcon: hello.png

but im getting the following error:

*Note: at this point i have attempted this on my custom server and also on a vanilla server with the original server icon…

I forgot how to fix it, there was someone in the chat who downloaded a program from apt-get and I forgot what it was :frowning:

Any news? Got the same error

Just to make sure, the server icon is in the PNG format, correct?

yes… the server icon is a PNG…

any chance you could run a

 $ dpkg --list

ill sort through it all and figure out which is allowing the PNG to work…


For Ubuntu, you have to install the package “libgdiplus” with this command : apt-get install libgdiplus

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